Our Team



Beth holds the vision of The Drink Lab. After being in the industry for nearly 10 years, her passion for science, business, and community have collided at the intersection of coffee.


Casey has been the right hand man since day one. He is the reason we are all here. After a long car ride home from vacation, Casey decided he would surprise Beth with a roaster for her birthday. Once ordered, he called Beth and informed her he just purchased a roaster, and now she needed to figure out the business.


Meagan is our visual gal; she makes us look good. From social media to fun drink creations, she’s always thinking up new ideas to make people excited about what they are drinking. She has also been learning how to roast, so you’ll see her around a lot!


Christine, or the “Bringer of Joy,” is our right hand gal when it comes to drink deliveries. She enjoys seeing your faces light up when that cup arrives at your job, and is always ready to greet you with a big smile.


Katy is our newest team member. She has been awesome at learning all the tricks of the barista trade!


Adian keeps our shelves stocked, and makes sure your local coffee gets delivered on time each week!